Archive for January, 2020

Backgammon – 3 Basic Plans

[ English ]

In exceptionally simple terms, there are 3 main game plans employed. You want to be able to hop between game plans quickly as the course of the match unfolds.

The Blockade

This involves assembling a 6-deep wall of checkers, or at least as thick as you can achieve, to lock in your competitor’s checkers that are located on your 1-point. This is deemed to be the most suitable procedure at the start of the match. You can build the wall anyplace inbetween your eleven-point and your two-point and then shuffle it into your home board as the match progresses.

The Blitz

This consists of locking your home board as quick as possible while keeping your opponent on the bar. i.e., if your challenger rolls an early two and shifts one checker from your 1-point to your 3-point and you then toss a 5-5, you are able to play six/one 6/1 eight/three eight/three. Your opponent is now in big-time difficulty taking into account that they have two pieces on the bar and you have locked half your inner board!

The Backgame

This strategy is where you have two or higher anchors in your opponent’s inner board. (An anchor is a point consisting of at a minimum 2 of your pieces.) It would be played when you are extremely behind as this action greatly improves your opportunities. The best areas for anchor spots are near your opponent’s lower points and also on adjoining points or with one point in between. Timing is crucial for a powerful backgame: after all, there is no point having 2 nice anchors and a complete wall in your own inner board if you are then forced to break down this straight away, while your opponent is getting their checkers home, because you don’t have any other additional checkers to move! In this situation, it’s better to have pieces on the bar so that you can maintain your position up until your opposer gives you an opportunity to hit, so it can be an excellent idea to try and get your competitor to hit them in this case!


The Essential Facts of Backgammon Game Plans – Part 1

[ English ]

The aim of a Backgammon game is to move your chips around the game board and pull them off the board faster than your competitor who works just as hard to achieve the same buthowever they move in the opposing direction. Winning a match of Backgammon requires both tactics and fortune. Just how far you will be able to shift your chips is left to the numbers from tossing a pair of dice, and the way you shift your chips are determined by your overall playing strategies. Players use differing tactics in the differing parts of a match dependent on your positions and opponent’s.

The Running Game Tactic

The aim of the Running Game plan is to bring all your pieces into your inside board and bear them off as quickly as you can. This tactic focuses on the speed of shifting your chips with little or no time spent to hit or block your opponent’s checkers. The ideal scenario to employ this tactic is when you believe you might be able to shift your own checkers quicker than the opposition does: when 1) you have a fewer checkers on the board; 2) all your chips have moved beyond your competitor’s pieces; or 3) the opposing player does not employ the hitting or blocking strategy.

The Blocking Game Plan

The main goal of the blocking tactic, by its title, is to block your opponent’s checkers, temporarily, while not fretting about moving your pieces quickly. After you have established the blockage for your competitor’s movement with a couple of checkers, you can shift your other checkers rapidly from the board. You will need to also have a good strategy when to back off and shift the pieces that you used for blocking. The game becomes intriguing when your opposition utilizes the same blocking tactic.